A Guide to Key Tips for Florida Lawn Care

Are you new to lawn care in Florida? If you feel overwhelmed by all the things you need to know, don’t worry. We have over twenty years of experience helping people maximize the potential of their lawns. In this blog, we’ll share some crucial tips and tricks for maintaining a healthy lawn in Florida.

Proper Watering for a Thriving Lawn

Florida is known for sunshine and rain. The amount of rainfall can vary significantly from week to week, so it’s vital to monitor recent precipitation. Insufficient watering can cause your grass to wither, turn brown, or even die. Conversely, overwatering can lead to issues like fungus, mold, and rot.


To determine the correct amount of water for your lawn, pay attention to signs of wilting. If the grass blades start folding lengthwise or retain footprints, it’s time to increase watering. On the other hand, if the grass feels spongy, you may be over watering and should reduce the frequency. If finding the right balance is challenging, consider seeking professional assistance to establish a suitable watering schedule for your lawn.

To achieve the best results, keep these watering tips in mind:


  • Water between 3-9 AM to minimize evaporation.
  • Adjust your watering frequency based on the weather.
  • Save water by turning off irrigation systems on rainy days.
  • Always adhere to local water restrictions and regulations.
  • Mowing Techniques for a Well-Manicured Lawn


Regular mowing is essential to maintain a neat and tidy appearance for your lawn. While the process may seem straightforward, there are some important factors to consider for the health of your grass. Follow these guidelines for effective mowing:


  1. Use sharp blades: Mowing with dull blades can tear and rip the grass, giving it an untidy appearance and hindering growth and recovery. Sharpen your mower blades every 20-25 hours of use, following the manufacturer’s guidelines or seeking professional assistance.
  2. Don’t cut too short: Leaving at least 2 1/2″ of grass length ensures adequate surface area for proper photosynthesis. Cutting the lawn too short can impede growth and weaken the root system. Identify the grass type in your lawn to determine the appropriate minimum height.
  3. Avoid excessive mowing: While frequent mowing may seem beneficial, it can harm your lawn and waste your time. Cutting too often prevents grass from growing tall enough to establish deep and healthy roots. Most fast-growing lawns only require mowing once a week, but adjust the frequency based on the growth rate. Avoid cutting more than one-third of the blade’s length at a time.

Keeping Lawn Pests at Bay

Lawn pests can cause significant issues, ranging from unsightly dirt mounds to extensive damage and disease. Moreover, infestations can spread rapidly, making them challenging to eradicate. Look out for these common signs of lawn pests:


  • Live insects or eggs
  • Burrows or dirt mounds
  • Damaged or chewed-up grass
  • Strips or patches of dead grass
  • When dealing with pest control, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. Pests can cause substantial damage, and their removal becomes increasingly difficult as the infestation spreads. A skilled pest control specialist can swiftly eliminate the pests and create a customized plan to safeguard your yard in the long run.

Combating Weeds for a Healthy Lawn

Weeds are not just a cosmetic issue; they can deprive your grass of water and essential nutrients, leading to disease or death. Effective weed control is crucial for proper lawn care. Watch out for these common weeds in Florida:


  • Bittercress
  • Dollarweed
  • Dove weed
  • Bull thistle
  • Spurge
  • Crabgrass

If you’re struggling with weeds in your lawn, don’t hesitate to contact a professional. Weed control can be a challenging and time-consuming process, and using improper solutions can damage your grass. An expert will provide a custom treatment plan that is safe, environmentally friendly, and effective.

Seasonal Lawn Care Tips and Tricks

Adapting your lawn care routine to the changing seasons ensures the ongoing health of your grass. Consider the following general guidelines based on the time of year:


Spring Lawn Care:

Sharpen mower blades

Establish a regular mowing schedule


Summer Lawn Care:

Increase watering

Inspect for pests

Regularly mow with sharp blades

Avoid fertilizing during hot weather

Prepare your property for hurricane season by pruning trees and storing gardening tools indoors


Fall Lawn Care:

Reduce mowing and watering frequency

Rake up leaves and debris regularly


Winter Lawn Care:

Florida winters are relatively warm, but grass growth slows down. Decrease mowing frequency.

Trusted Local Lawn Experts in Florida

Taking care of your lawn should never feel overwhelming, and you don’t have to face it alone. Keith’s Lawn Care is here to help, allowing you to enjoy a stunning and thriving yard without the need for new equipment or excessive time outdoors. Our team of skilled lawn care professionals is committed to providing outstanding and long-lasting results.